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Tamara Rojo as Princess Aurora...

With tears of joy in my eyes at the surprise that was announced to me, excitement & anticipation in my heart, my beautiful boyfriend & I made our way to the London Coliseum for the English National Ballet’s performance of the much adored & unforgettable fairytale- Sleeping Beauty. It was our 4 year anniversary & I couldn't think of anything more beautiful to compliment our full-bellies from our delicious dinner previous, to end our day-out with!
This time it was Kenneth MacMillan’s production that was to captivate its eager audiences with a show that teamed both ravishing dances with gorgeous costumes & a tangible atmosphere.... As the lights dimmed, I put away my programme which I clutched to my chest. Then, with the orchestra's introduction, the sumptious, purple velvet curtains opened...
Tamara Rojo was to be the prima ballerina & female lead. Not only is she the artistic director of English National Ballet, but she continues to dance leading roles, much like the English National Ballet's founder Alicia Markova. This time, Rojo starring as the infamous heroine of Sleeping Beauty, as the beautiful Princess Aurora.
Rojo has a noticeable superstar-like presence & a very strong technique. Throughout parts of the performance the audience & I glared in awe as she ddisplayed her ability to dance quadruple pirouettes, leaving the orchestra playing & playing until she finished spinning. Rojo held incredible long balances in the 'Rose Adagio' act, although her best moments came in the final act, where she phrased her last solo of the night's performance with lightness & grand variety.
Another hugely impressive dancer of the night was Vadim Muntagirov, as the Prince... He appeared with such strength & agility & sometimes even appeared better by himself; he’s lyrical in the melancholy second act solo was so bright in the the third act.
Daria Klimentová danced the 'Lilac Fairy' with such wonderful, lucid authority. I preferred her dancing most of all in fact; as she possess such a lovely, elegant flow & ease with her dancing- her calm assurance in the atmospheric scenes with the wicked fairy Carabosse, were heartwarming & reassuring.
"Petipa’s choreography is full of soloist roles, a chance to show a company’s strength in depth. The fairies of the prologue were all established or rising names, with Nancy Osbaldeston particularly good in the pointing 'finger' variation. Shiori Kase flutters beautifully as Princess Florine, with Yonah Acosta jumping confidently as the Bluebird..."
The costumes were designed by the wonderful Nicholas Georgiadis. Each costume sumptuous, ornate & supremely extravagant, a sweet-like palette of dusky pastels, tastefully & intricately gilded details. I especially loved how when the court awakens after what was 100 years of slumber, their Elizabethan ruffs had been seemingly miraculously replaced by large, powdered wigs! It was quite the spectacle for those who notice & display such attention to detail. I was totally in love with the costumes just as much as I was the dancing!
The attendant fairies, however, were my favourite dancers in the whole production- they were so alive! They bestowed their gifts to Princess Aurora with such graceful benevolence. I paparticularly was taken a-back by Nancy Osbaldeston's 'Songbird Fairy.' Her sprite-like & springy performance wasn't challenged in any way by her petite frame; her dancing remaining expansive throughout. The wonderful Adela Ramirez was also stunning as the 'Fairy of the Golden Vine'. Each unhurried move was delivered with absolute precision with help from the dancer-friendly orchestral accompaniment & the conductor Gavin Sutherland.
It truly was a stunning spectacle & a feast for the eyes- one that both warmed the heart & captivated the soul. We really did have such an incredible time & I was delighted to witness such a beautiful performance & production of The Sleeping Beauty. Thank-you so much to my perfect boyfriend, for such a special & memorable day <3 xxxx
Here's some of my sneaky, vintage pics that I took during the performance:




Elena Glurdjidze, centre, here as the Lilac Fairy, in ENB's The Sleeping Beauty. Photograph: Laurent Liotardo


Tamara Rojo and her prince, Vadim Muntagirov.

Daria Klimentová’s Lilac Fairy and James Streeter’s Carabosse.
Lots of Love,
x Lover-Doll Presley x |